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Recognize the signs:
have trouble concentrating on schoolwork, or enjoying activities
feel and act irritable, upset, sad, or anxious
seem unsure of whether things are OK
have trouble deciding or choosing
take much too long to do everyday tasks, like getting dressed, organizing a backpack, completing homework, or taking a shower
get upset and lose their temper if they can't make something perfect or if something is out of place
insist that a parent say or do something an exact way
Sometimes a child or teen can get preoccupied with repetitive thoughts, or actions that, to the outsider, seem foolish and illogical. These recurring ideas (obsessions) and repeated actions (compulsions) are uncontrollable, and can upset their lives and ultimately disrupt the normal functioning of their families.
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Somewhere between 1 to 5 out of every 100 children and youth have OCD.
**Please note that this does not constitue a diagnosis and does not replace professional consultation.
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